Sunday, April 8, 2012

I think there's just something about being an ex-Catholic atheist...

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(P.S. - I fully know and expect that this will be offensive to others. Yet this is pretty much my explanation as to why I don't care. It's a response to something that was said to me, so... yeah. It's personal.)

I think there's just something about being an ex-Catholic atheist...

For some of us, it's not enough to just ignore it afterwards. Especially when it's still shoved in your face every single day. And you try so hard to just get on with it and live your life the way you think you should, but there's always some asshole trying to interfere and shove their beliefs down your throat. After you've rejected said beliefs on numerous occasions and they still don't fucking get that you think said beliefs, when put into "practice" by the mainstream, are a load of fantastical, oppressive shit.

It's just not enough.

No, we want to take it down, tear it apart bit by bit, almost like revenge for the torture and brainwashing and abuse it put us through. Being shamed for questioning or doubting - or breathing the wrong way, at it often seems. It's just another means of control. Nothing but punishment and judgment and shame.

It's not about changing your beliefs or trying to offend you. We really don't care what you choose to do. Think of it this way:

And as I said last night, I will never be able to understand the obsession with immortality and life after death. Life sucks - why would anyone want to live again? And how can you live in happiness knowing that others are suffering? What kind of practice condemns you at birth, sets up impossible rules for you to follow, and then punishes you for (predictably) messing up? Why can't you be a good person for the sake of being a good person? Why do we have to get eternal damnation and invisible cloud men involved??? It doesn't make sense.

Catholicism to me now is hypocritical at best.

I should change the title of this post to "Woes of an Ex-Catholic Atheist in a Very Catholic Family and Town." I'll be a Christian atheist but seriously, fuck your religion with a rusty pipe.

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