Friday, November 5, 2010

Final 55 Days...

True Majority wants to know what we progressives think Congress should push for before the TP takes over in 55 days. My response?

repeal dadt! it's now or never! (also, now might be a good time to repeal doma, legalize same-sex marriage, tighten up social security, ban offshore drilling, repeal the tax cuts/let them expire, pass a better healthcare law, pass comprehensive immigration reform, close gitmo, get out of the middle east -- actually, mr. president, you have 55 days to get your entire agenda through. good luck. & don't blame me this time, i remembered to vote.)

I'm off to work on NaNo - making so much progress for one night! Over 2,000 words! (Total is reaching 6,000.) Hit my daily quota and then some, so I'm starting to catch up...

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