Sunday, September 6, 2009

Finally, The Bill Itself

Ok, to put all of this healthcare stuff in perspective - I finally found a proper copy of one of the bills (HR 3200. So hard to find amongst the news articles and conservative "no way!" bullshit...) so I will be posting a link to the pdf copy here, as well as a general summary/comments for those who actually wish to understand what it says (though so far, it's pretty straightforward). Summary will be as impartial as I can get it, but of course, my comments are my own. Also, I just want to point out that I am neither a Republican or a Democrat. I am independent - people and actual situations matter more than outdated, irrelevant political ideologies. So yes, I will be pointing out the good AND the bad. It's a 1017 page bill, so this may take a while...

Seriously, I kind of liked McCain-- until he picked a VP that even a brain-dead, female-chauvinist monkey wouldn't hire. (You know he only chose her because she's a woman, right? A very stupid one, at that... Makes us all look stupid... ugh...) I just know better than to use my religion (or lack thereof) as an excuse to make decisions for other people's lives. They have a right to believe whatever they want too, you know...

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